Upload Your Files

How it works in 5 easy steps

Upload your audio file(s)

You receive notification of successful upload

Transcription of your audio recording(s)
 takes place

Transcript passes through our QA section

We will notify you when your transcript is ready

Please choose ONE of the options below to upload your files to us


Use one of the safe and secure options to upload your audio files and any accompanying documentation, together with any information you would like to let us have with regards to formatting, deadlines, et cetera.

Please do not email audio files

With a 256-bit level encryption, (files are encrypted during both upload and download) you can be confident that your information is secure. You will receive notification throughout the process, both once your files have been uploaded and also when your transcript is complete. Rest assured your recordings are securely deleted from our systems as soon as your transcript is complete. Your transcripts are securely deleted as soon as you are in possession of them.

Your audio file(s) will be transcribed by the person(s) most suited in terms of experience to your industry and also with regards to the speakers in your recording, for example, accents, recording quality etc.

Your transcript will pass through our QA process before you are notified that your transcript is ready.